Korean water ski show interview:
Reporter: Mr. Buffa this is the Stars Of Florida’s first visit to Korea?
Don: Yes, we have performed many waterski shows in the area such as Japan but yes this is the first time in Korea.
Reporter: How do you find the people here in Korea?
Don: Well, we have only been her a couple of days but all of us find the people very polite and friendly.
Reporter: Can you tell us a little about the Stars Of Florida?
Don: Pretty much all have skied at the world famous Cypress Gardens in Florida, known as the waterski capital of the world. Stars Of Florida has been the contracted ski show there for the past few years. Back in 1990 Cypress Gardens no longer promoted international waterski shows, so I figure that I can do this. So after taking a call from a friend in Japan we were off on our first trip to perform waterski shows in Japan. Now 20 years later and after over 65 international shows and 20 different countries here we are for the first time in Korea.
Reporter: Wow that is a lot of traveling, what is your favorite place?
Don: That is hard to say, there are many places that we like and each place has it’s own special characteristics. Like, Egypt is great because of the history, Dubai, because of the shopping and the many new buildings, Paris well because it is, well, Paris. But it is not all about the country or city it is also about meeting new friends and people in these many different countries. The more we travel the more you realize that although we may be from different countries we are all the same. We leave each location with many new friends that we all stay in contact with, that is great!
Reporter: What makes a skier able to become a member of the Stars Of Florida waterki show?
Don: Let me put it this way if I have a skier that had skied full time 5 days a week, 3 shows a day for a period of time, that person is who will make the Stars Of Florida team. There are a few of good skiers out there but fewer with the consistency that comes with skiing full time. And in many cases we have never been to a location so we have no idea what the water conditions will be like, what the jump will be like, if the boat has any power and so on. So you can see we need skiers where these issues are not a big deal, just throw on a wetsuit or costume on and go do a show.
Reporter: Don, I really like the clown in the ski show.
Don: Yea they are a big part of our show, the children love them and to get a chance to meet them and get their picture taken with them will leave memories in the mind for a life time.
Reporter: Tell me about the pyramid?
Don: We are doing 4 tiers here in Korea because the conditions allow for it. Cypress Gardens was the first place to develop the 3 – 4 and 5 high pyramids over the many years that Cypress Gardens has been around. Pyramids can be very dangerous. (note: Cypress Gardens is presently closed for remodeling and will hope to reopen end of 2011)
Reporter: The people really like the jumpers.
Don: What can you say these guys are great. We have a special club, we call it the 500 club, that means that a jumper jumps 500 times without a fall he becomes a member of this elite group of jumpers. Now keep in mind we count rope breaking, weather related falls,,, all as falls and the skier starts over at 0. On this trip we have 3 guys in the 500 club one with 500, another 1000, and the third with 2300 jumps without a fall. That is why we are proud of our jumpers they are the best.
Reporter: I talked with your announcer and sound person, yesterday. They are awesome!
Don: Yep that why they are here. Without them it is like drinking a soda without ice. They keep the excitement level up with the announcing as well as the music. Both are a huge part of the show, and they are just another part that makes of the family and show that is Stars Of Florida.
Reporter: Don thank you for your time and I think we will see each other again here in Korea judging by the response that you guys have gotten here.
Don: We would love to return to Korea anytime